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No Distinction

Kee'ana, Katy Svec

Ocha Records
OCH109 | 2020-05-22  
The Italian duo Kee'ana brings to their Ocha debut a wonderful deep spoken word late night jam. Masterfully produced and arranged with complete precision to fit the vocal stylings of Katy Svec. There is just enough space to hear all the details in the extra careful vocal production. It has a bit of a classic feel while never losing touch of the modern sonics of today. We are happy to introduce Kee'ana to the Ocha family!

Produced and arranged by Gianluca Peruzzi & Marco fumagalli aka Kee'ana
Lyrics written and performed by Katy Svec
Recorded at Presslab Records studio's
Masterd by Cody 'Coflo' Ferreira for
Executive Producer: Carlos Mena
A&R: Coflo

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