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MN0017 | 2021-01-22  
2001 is when Ace Shyllon first met Vibrant C. One New Years Eve at a Penge Party in London, little did they both know that nearly 20 years later they would be releasing music together. Totally connected through their love for DJing and house music is what keeps their vibe alive. Vibrant C sets a wonderful tone with meaning on her third release on Metronoyz bringing each others energy full circle on this next release.

With 4 mixes of this musically meaningful release, we are excited to start the year with this amazing instalment.

'Just Be' E.P

Written by Deborah Lynch-Shyllon
All mixes Produced by Ace Shyllon
Vocals by Vibrant C
Mastered By AS/One
Published by Metronoyz Music

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