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I'm Outta Love (Part 1)

Fabio Tosti, Venessa Jackson

Music Plan
MPRN007 | 2023-05-26  
"I'm Outta Love", debut single by American singer-songwriter Anastacia was unquestionably a worldwide hit, winning an MTV Europe Music Awards and two World Music Awards.

After more than 20 years DJ and producer Fabio Tosti decided to revisit it in a House key using the eclectic South African songwriter and performer Venessa Jackson.

Without distorting the original vocal melodic line, Fabio gave the song a club vibe.

The Nu Disco-style Part 1 is characterized by a predominant bass and the riff of the chorus spinning in the lead.

Written by Anastacia, Sam Watters & Louis Biancaniello

Produced by Fabio Tosti

Vocals by Venessa Jackson

Instruments by Emanuele Del Carmine

Sax by Pako Baldassarre

Guitar by Miky Zucaro

Publishing: Breakthrough Creations, EMI April Music Inc., Poho Productions, S. M. Y. Publishing, Sony/ATV Tunes LLC e Universal Music Corp.

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