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Coming up next on Mange Le Funk Productions, Maurice Bird the Man behind The African Sunset Project is thrilled to announce the release of his new single

“Love Theory,” an upbeat and energetic track that blends Afro Latin rhythms with an epic euphoric sound that is sure to capture audiences hearts.

The song is a tribute to the power of love and the importance of standing together in the face of adversity, spreading positivity and hope for the future.

“Love Theory” is an anthem for good times ahead. An uplifting melodic spiritual vibe “Love Theory” is sunny, soulful and upbeat, evoking feelings of joy and celebration. With an infectious rhythm and driving beat, “Love Theory” is the perfect soundtrack of hope, a testament to the power of music to bring people together and inspire positivity

“Love Theory” is available now Don't miss out on this epic and euphoric new single, guaranteed to bring sunshine and hope to your day.

Licensing & Contact Information:

Written and produced by Maurice Bird aka The African Sunset Project

Mastered by Maurice Bird @ Beta Haven Studio for Mange Le Funk Productions

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