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Hush Recordz Limited
HRLTD200 | 2023-09-08  
Original Mix (5:58)
Original Mix (6:30)
We are thrilled to present Hush Recordz Limited's monumental release number 200, marking a significant milestone in the label's journey. With this special release, we celebrate a decade of groundbreaking Portuguese electronic music and its enduring impact on the global music scene.

Over the past ten years, Hush Recordz Limited has been at the forefront of cultivating a vibrant and diverse community of talented artists, producers, and DJs, pushing the boundaries of electronic music. Release 200 serves as a testament to the label's unwavering commitment to quality music and its dedication to promoting Portuguese talent worldwide.

This commemorative release showcases a carefully curated selection of tracks that represent the evolution and versatility of Hush Recordz Limited's sound. Each composition is a testament to the label's dedication to artistic innovation and sonic exploration, reflecting the ever-changing landscape of electronic music.

From deep and melodic grooves to pulsating techno beats, Release 200 takes listeners on a captivating sonic journey through the Portuguese electronic music scene. The album features a stellar lineup of established artists and rising stars, each contributing their unique perspective and creative prowess.

As we look back on the last decade, we cannot help but feel immense gratitude for the incredible artists who have graced our label, and the loyal fans who have supported us every step of the way. Release 200 stands as a testament to the hard work and passion poured into each release, as well as the enduring spirit of collaboration and innovation that defines Hush Recordz Limited.

Join us in celebrating this milestone as we embark on the next chapter of our musical journey. Release 200 is a testament to the thriving Portuguese electronic music scene and an invitation to dive deeper into the enchanting world of Hush Recordz Limited.

Thank you for being a part of our story, and here's to many more years of extraordinary music.

Stay tuned and keep Hushin'!

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