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SFH66010 | 2024-02-16  
Introducing the next women power duo for the house music genre - American songstress LaMay and Martina Budde from Germany. This dynamic duo is set to revolutionize the music industry with their amazing talent and powerful voices.

LaMay brings her impressive songwriting skills shown with her memorable lyrics and unique vocal arrangements. With a voice that can move mountains and touch hearts, LaMay is a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. Her vocal range and emotional delivery are second to none, leaving listeners in awe of her talent.

Martina Budde, renowned for her encouraging and happy vibes. Hailing from Germany, Martina's infectious positivity and vibrant energy resonate with audiences worldwide. Her unique musical style and uplifting presence add a dynamic dimension to their collaboration.

Together, LaMay and Martina invite you on a musical journey like no other. Prepare to be transported to a place where soulful melodies meet empowering lyrics and catchy beats. Their unique fusion influences results in a sound that is fresh, invigorating, and undeniably addictive.
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