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YHV Records
YHV489A | 2024-02-02  
"Dilemma," offers a poignant narrative of personal evolution, capturing the essence of self-discovery and empowerment through a transformative musical journey. Crafted during a pivotal moment in Ndigo's life, the track serves as both a personal reflection and an anthem of resilience.

The original mix of "Dilemma" serves as a testament to Ndigo's introspective songwriting and production skills. The track's melodic vibes and indie dance sensibilities create a sonic landscape that mirrors the highs and lows of life's journey. Ndigo's personal connection to the music is palpable, as the composition unfolds as a cathartic expression of self-belief and the pursuit of one's goals.

Adding to the richness of the release is the Max Ches Remix, a reinterpretation that injects a fresh perspective into the narrative. Max Ches masterfully accentuates the indie dance elements while introducing his unique touch to the melodic vibes, offering a complementary yet distinct version of "Dilemma."

Producer: Ndigo
Remixer: Max Ches
Record Label: YHV Records

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