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Holographic Echoes EP


SUB tl
SUB_TL 083 | 2024-02-23  
SUB_tl 083
Infinite Lag
Holographic Echoes

Two of our main artists join forces in this exquisite electronic project called Infinite Lag, Lagware and Infinite Size combine their music creation tools and skills to give birth to this Tour de Force where abstract textures and rhythmic pulses collide in a curious sound voyage in the realms of the unknown.

Crazy resampling techniques, weird modular landscapes, complex rhythm programming and gray area sound design define the sound of the project.

But all this complexity also works in a club environment, bringing industrial feelings to the presumably comfortable listener.
Breaks, distortion, abstraction, aggression and mentalism all in one in one of the most rugged works we have released so far. Welcome to the Infinite Lag.

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