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CM007 | 2024-05-17  
We're excited to present 'Soft Landing,' a collaboration between two of South Africa's finest talents, Stagz Jazz and Da Vynalist. This dynamic duo brings together Stagz Jazz's soulful melodies and Da Vynalist's versatile production skills, resulting in a mesmerizing blend of deep house and atmospheric vibes.

'Soft Landing' is a testament to the creative synergy between Stagz Jazz and Da Vynalist, capturing the essence of their respective styles while forging a cohesive and innovative sound. With its lush instrumentation, hypnotic rhythms, and emotive undertones, 'Soft Landing' invites listeners on a journey that resonates on a deep and introspective level.

Both artists are no strangers to the music scene, with Stagz Jazz's acclaimed releases and Da Vynalist's diverse production portfolio. Their collaboration on 'Soft Landing' is a testament to their shared passion for music and their commitment to pushing boundaries.

Stagz Jazz & Da Vynalist - Soft Landing
Catalog: CM007

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