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Zulu Song

Miriam Makeba

MoBlack Records
MBR072 | 2015-08-14  
Almost a year working on this big project but it is finally out!! It was a honour for me and for my artists to get the official clearance to use the sample of “In the land of Zulus” (also known as KwaZulu and the Zulu Song) of the late Miriam Makeba aka Mama Africa.

Miriam Makeba was a Grammy Award-winning South African singer and civil rights activist. In the 1960s, she was the first artist from Africa to popularize African music around the world. She is best known for the song “Pata Pata", first recorded in 1957 and released in the U.S. in 1967. She recorded and toured with many popular artists, such as Harry Belafonte, Paul Simon, and her former husband Hugh Masekela. Makeba campaigned against the South African system of apartheid. The South African government responded by revoking her passport in 1960 and her citizenship and right of return in 1963. As the apartheid system crumbled she returned home for the first time in 1990. Makeba died of a heart attack on 9 November 2008 after performing in a concert in Italy organised to support writer Roberto Saviano in his stand against the Camorra, a mafia-like organisation local to the region of Campania.

My personal thanks goes to DJ Kaculo (Angolan dj/producer/remixer) in primis that got the idea and the first mix; Miguel Lin (Portuguese and UK based dj/producer/remixer) that connected me with DJ Kaculo; Cristian Vinci (Percussionist, dj, remixer and "hit maker" producer from Sicily - Italy) that accepted to collaborate to this project rappresenting his debut on MoBlack Records; Savio De Simone (dj/producer/remixer from Naples - Italy) for his precious and usual support to my projects; Paki Palmieri amazing percussionist & dj/producer/remixer from Naples - Italy and owner of Katana Tribe . At last but not the least my personal and special thanks goes to Mr. Graeme Gilfillan and all the team of Siyandisa Music (PTY)Ltd that made this happen. We hope this our tribute to "Mama Africa" will not disappoint you. Here is a short preview...

Stay Blessed!!
Mimmo Falcone (aka MoBlack)
CEO & founder of MoBlack Records


1. “Zulu Song (Cristian Vinci, Cubafrica Mix) by Miriam Makeba featuring Cristian Vinci. Music and lyrics by Miriam Makeba and Cristian Vinci. Published by Siyandisa Music (PTY) Ltd. Produced by Cristian Vinci. Miriam Makeba appears courtesy of Siyandisa Music (PTY) Ltd”

2. “Zulu Song (DJ Kaculo, Miguel Lin, MoBlack Solid Mix) by Miriam Makeba featuring DJ Kaculo, Miguel Lin and MoBlack. Music and lyrics by Miriam Makeba, Aylton Boaventura Gonçalves Caculo, Miguel da Rocha Lin and Mimmo Falcone. Published by Siyandisa Music (PTY) Ltd. Produced by Aylton Boaventura Gonçalves Caculo, Miguel da Rocha Lin and Mimmo Falcone. Miriam Makeba appears courtesy of Siyandisa Music (PTY) Ltd”

3. “Zulu Song (Paki Palmieri Afro Roots Mix) by Miriam Makeba featuring Paki Palmieri. Music and lyrics by Miriam Makeba and Paki Palmieri. Published by Siyandisa Music (PTY) Ltd. Produced by Paki Palmieri. Miriam Makeba appears courtesy of Siyandisa Music (PTY) Ltd”

4. “Zulu Song (Salvatore De Simone, Paki Palmieri Spiritual Essence Mix) by Miriam Makeba featuring Salvatore De Simone and Paki Palmieri . Music and lyrics by Miriam Makeba, Salvatore De Simone and Paki Palmieri. Published by Siyandisa Music (PTY) Ltd. Produced by Salvatore De Simone and Paki Palmieri. Miriam Makeba appears courtesy of Siyandisa Music (PTY) Ltd”

Executive Producer: MoBlack

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