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Natura Sonoris 10 Years Vol. 3

Various Artists

Natura Sonoris
NS076 | 2018-02-09  
August Lovers
Original Mix (7:21)
Nodo 6
Original Mix (4:55)
This year Natura Sonoris is celebrating a significant milestone - 10 years of music - with a compilation series. Coming in 4 volumes, the compilations showcase the best of the label from the last decade selected by the label boss Henry Saiz featuring tracks and remixes by label artists and collaborators like Marc Marzenit, Pional, Damabiah, Cora Novoa, Guy J, Third Son, Tuff City Kids and many more other friends we´ve released throughout these years. Carefully selected packages of old and new stuff - these are the tracks that helped to forge the unique sonic path Natura Sonoris is known and loved for. With this release we want to celebrate all the amazing artists that have made Natura what it is and all the fans that have supported us for all this time. Thank you for keeping this dream alive and here´s to another 10!

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