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TEAM 031

TEAM 031 is a well-known and celebrated Durban-based kwaito group under the HUSTLERS INTERTAINMENT record label. It is made up of two members, Duncan Dumisa aka skill 09 and Njabulo Xaba aka N-jay
The name TEAM 031 is derived from the two key elements that define their sound. “TEAM” relates to their vision of being group and a brand that aims to take kwaito to new heights across the continent and ultimately, the globe.
They’re not in the business of doing things on a small scale. “031” are letters that appear on the dialling code of Durban. Their sound is one that is distinctly Durban.
The two hail from Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN) but their musical journey began in Johannesburg. While approaching various studios in an attempt to secure a recording deal, they tried various tactics to have their sound heard.
In 2011 however that their efforts and luck took a turn for their better. Their single was released. Due to poor management, did not do well.
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